Point at the following thumbnails to get some information and click on them, if you
like to see bigger pictures. Please note, that the quality of all the pictures is always
a compromise between a good look on the screen and acceptable loading times.
The following pictures are not photos ! They are steady-shots of Hi8-Video which I recorded
at Reno 1998. Allthough the quality is NOT Aerojan-standard, I decided to publish them,
because there are items I couldn`t catch with my max. 200 mm photo-lenses.
Point at the following thumbnails to get some information and click on them, if you
like to see bigger pictures. I recommend you to visit aafo.com (see my links-section),
were you can read lots of interesting airrace-stories.
These pictures are of 384 x 288 - resolution:
These pictures are of 768 x 576 - resolution:
These pictures are of 640 x 480 - resolution: